In the Two of Pentacles we see Daedalus at his work table with all the tools of his trade. He is busy and committed to developing his skills and reputation.
Pentacles concern our physical selves and all things connected to the earth, property, work, finance and practical matters. Most people are usually juggling all these things at once, and trying to keep all their ducks in a row. It is essential to keep grounded if we have a creative drive for material gains. In order to do this we have to take risks, and put whatever resources we have, to work if we want to makes changes necessary for growth.
I think there is only one thing that does not change in life, that's change and fluctuation. You always hear, change is a good thing. I believe generally, change is good for us, though it certainly may not feel this way. We have to find ways and means to prepare ourselves for change and learn to go with the flow.
The path of least resistance I am not a fan of, and sometimes it is a good thing to resist change. When I think of change, the first thing that comes to mind is the Serenity Prayer. This for me has been, and continues to be the most important prayer I can make. It's all about acceptance, courage and wisdom in knowing what I can and cannot change. It is however essential to have the flexibility to be open to new ideas, and to be willing to take risks in utilizing one's talents. This is not always easy, but the most important thing for me really, is to say this prayer everyday, because this is what helps to prepare me for change and fluctuation.
Like Daedalus most people are usually juggling many things at once, trying to keep all their ducks in row. It is essential to keep grounded if we have a creative drive for material gain. The old adage of " Money makes money " I believe to be true. If we don't have the financial resources to do this, we still have to take risk, be adaptable and to put whatever resources we have to work, but with discerning wisdom to know what we can and cannot do or change.
Serenity Prayer
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God grant me the
serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. --Reinhold Niebuhr |
Thank you so much for this longer version of The Serenity Prayer. I never knew there was more after "difference" It is truly beautiful!
The only constant in life is indeed change and this prayer helps us to determine were we have to act and were we have to flow. It certainly preserves a lot of waisted energy :)
Ellen I am so glad to have shared this prayer with you. <3 Many people are unaware of the rest of the prayer.
Wow how ironic I posted this today. My car died and was resurrected twice tonight on the way to town and back. I was prepared and thank God I managed to get home tonight. I had my charger and very long extension cord to get the car going, Talk about your change and fluctuation! Glad to be home safe and serene!!!
Me too!!
Sometimes tarot can be so practical and mundane! :D
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