Synchronicity has caused me to draw the King of Cups today, after having drawn the Queen of Cups yesterday. The Wounded Healer is the best way to describe this King, as he cares and helps so many, but some how is unable to care for, or heal himself.
Like many of us that work in the human service professions, or simply in our everyday lives we can make great allowances for others, and do as much as we can to counsel and or assist them in whatever way we can. This is a wonderful gift to have empathy and compassion toward others.
However there is a problem that arises, when we are not the same way toward ourselves. It leads to burn out, and you can easily be taken advantage of, perhaps because there is a problem with being able to say no. Self-care and taking responsibility for our own happiness is essential, if we are going to be in a position to really help another.
The message is an important one in the King of Cups. It is not healthy to project our problems and unconsciously try to work them out, through others.
We need to be able to trust in our own personal life, so we can have fulfilling relationships. To do our own healing by seeking help, and doing what is necessary in order to get healthy and happy, is the only way to ensure that one does not cheat the self, otherwise we will do more harm than good, and perhaps lose the very thing we desire.
I've been there done that and Thank God I've survived and came out stronger and healthier than I ever was before. Still though I'm inclined to put the needs of other first; still believing somehow there well being is more important than my own. Old habits......
This post is a great reminder to look after myself with more care and love
Thank you
Oh boy me too Ellen! I was a while feel comfortable with that word no. I started to say, I'll get back to you, or let me think about it. I'm very conscious of it now. I was a Youth Care Worker for 20 years so I had to learn to not spread myself thin. Got myself spread out like sandwich spread and finally burnt out. SO happy I won't go back to that mind set ever again! Unfortunately many of us get sick before we learn this lesson.
Yes it's a good feeling to know you are taking good care of yourself!
Thank you Ellen. <3
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