Thursday, January 1, 2015

Maintaining Focus - The Chariot

The Chariot symbolizing war or battle, is for many of us, what life often seems to be about. Fear, and terror can be our battle field. We spend time fighting situations, others, or even ourselves. Life shouldn't be about fighting, in a destructive sense, but be about advocating for ideals such as justice, freedom, and peace.

I have learned that I can advocate, for myself and for others, but if I really want to make a difference I also need to get organized to be effective warrior, in order to walk the talk.

Aggressive retaliation or reaction, results in a no win predicament. Passivity is not an answer either. A position of assertion is what I aim for in all aspects, and circumstances in life. I understand this is easier said than done, given our fight or flight instinct, and depending on the situation.

The message for me of the seventh Major Arcana card, is about having knowledge, truth, understanding, and discernment which act as our the sword and shield, the amour of wisdom, necessary before we decide to move forward toward the light. This is the better way to ensure a likely win, win outcome. We need an informed enthusiasm, to make the right decision. Other wise we have out of control, runaway horses.

Strength, self-assurance, and having an iron willed determination, must be creatively balanced, and harnessed with the spear of love, tempered with a healthy fear, a spiritual vision, and a clarity of mind, which will create order out of chaos

The harmonious blending of love and strife strengthens and develops our whole personality.

A very Happy New Year to all. My prayer is, that all will be enabled to balance the negative, and positive forces in life, to maintain our focus, to control of our lives, to achieve success in the now, and in the future.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

As you've said it is hard to walk the talk. I know so well what I ma supposed to do but doing it is something entirely different.
Luckily we can start over every day and try to do better without blaming ourselves for the day before
Have a wonderful balanced New Year my friend!
Big Hug