Monday, July 13, 2015

Nine of Wands - Ready For Some New!

Over the past week,  I have consistently drawn all the Nines from each suit. Today I've drawn the Nine of Wands. It the Universe trying to tell me something I wonder? I am seeing the meaning as reflecting exactly where I am at present in mind, body and spirit, the three realms of experience.

I have come full circle, weathering the storms, ups and downs, through the labyrinth of life to point of a completion, attainment, and acceptance, like a spiral, but where there is closure, there is also beginning and renewal in that cycle of life..

I have met myself and made a connection, come to a place of acceptance. I have found I need to ask some important questions in regards to the number nine, in all it's elements.  Questions about how to live life to the fullest. What makes me feel whole? What particular undertaking will make me feel more complete as a person? How does change affect me, and how do I feel about moving into the next phase of my life? Am I feeling connected to myself, to others, and to the God of my understanding?

Interestingly, the Latin word for nine is novem and has the same root meaning novus, which means new.
I'm more than ready for some new!


Ellen said...

What a beautiful example of synchronicity this is! These are important question to sit with, to ponder about without trying to find a quick answer or solution. Time is spiraling too, so there is no hurry, only the present moment

Unknown said...

Thank you Ellen for the affirmation. Every phase of life comes with a new set of challenges. I am very happy where I am and am making sure I have a positive attitude, come what may, and make the most of every moment, being grateful for each moment, and taking responsibility for my own happiness. <3

Ellen said...

Now that's the spirit!

Rose said...

One thing I love about Nine, that you, as an artist, might appreciate too, is that it echoes strongly the shape of a fetus in the womb, whose gestation period is nine months. Nine has a clever sense of humor ;)

Wishing you rich, gestating moments.

Unknown said...

That's really fascinating Rose! I didn't know that!

Thank you! <3