Saturday, March 7, 2015

Three of Pentacles - Compentent Professionalism

The Three of Pentacles is always a good reminder to have integrity, not just toward having a work ethic but in all aspects of my life.This card always speaks to me of completion, with the knowledge that there is still work and effort needed, to be put toward the tasks ahead. In other words, it is having a professional standard and attitude. This card also speaks of competency and hitting your stride.

I can't afford to take my successes for granted, and think I can now simply sit on my laurels. I must understand that I can not do whatever I want, whenever I want, without consequence, as this is a fatal flaw in any early success. At the same time I need to be cognizant of my limitations.

In today's world it seems difficult to find those who have a competent professional attitude toward the work they do, living life with integrity and principles. Many are very happy to take your money without completing a job or doing a task that is well done. We cannot however expect others to have professional integrity if we don't expect this from ourselves, and manifest it in our lives.


Ellen said...

Yes beginning a project is not that difficult but keeping the same amount of enthusiasm after the first stage of completion is so much harder. I am so good at starting things but somewhere in the middle I often seem to end up in quicksand and am tempted to quit.

Unknown said...

I certainly am all to familiar with that problem Ellen. Good with beginnings and endings. All that middle stuff is what is the hard part. I've gotten much better at the middle stuff with age but boy it took me a long time to figure out what was going on, why and how to change it!

Ellen said...

Any "secrets" to share? :D

Unknown said...

No secrets Ellen. Honestly, I found 12 step recovery in 1982 ( Al-Anon and Adult Children and then in 1994 AA). It changed everything, family of origin issues, alcohol issues, lack of discipline, inability to follow through on things, lack of self-esteem where all adult child issues for me growing up being affected by someone else's alcoholism. These were addressed, not over night, far from it. I'm still very much a work in progress. But it's all about progress not perfection. <3

Ellen said...

I knew you wouldn't have a magic potion :D
Thanks for sharing Cath!

Unknown said...

Haaa haa. If I had one, I'd gladly share it with you!!! <3