Saturday, March 22, 2014

Three of Pentacles - The Blue Bird of Happiness?

Today I drew The Suit of Pentacles. The gold coin represents the earthly plain, the ancient element of the earth, which is both, our beginning and our end. Pentacles relate to the all things within the material world , be it issues surrounding the physical self, the home, or financial matters.

The Three of Pentacles are being offered to the man at the top of the stairs, by the three men at the foot of the steps. The gold coins indicate a particular task completed, and here is the reward for his labours.

People look up to, and admire this individual as a mentor, and  a good example, who has achieved success in business and is at the pinnacle of a profession, though there is still work ahead. Consideration is needed, for the future,the work to come, the capacity to handle it, all dependent on one's character. This is a stage within the process, that will hopefully lead to more permanent rewards.

Although we certainly need to have our basic needs met, the material world alone, and things are not the Blue Bird of Happiness . These cannot truly bring us a fulfilling life, and we cannot loose site of this fact.

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