Saturday, January 17, 2015

Nine of Cups - Dreams

The Nine of Cups is called the wish card, as it signifies the positive outcome of a fulfilled dream. In November of last year my dream came true, because of my 20 year long time commitment to getting my house paid off, and starting my Tarot reading business. The last year of having to pay my mortgage seemed like the longest year ever, as if it was never going to come to an end. It seemed like there was one hurdle after another to overcome. It was like hurry up and wait.

  I was reminded today of how I have so much to be grateful for. When working toward a the realization of a dream it can fill like it is never going to come to fruition and we sometimes focus on the negative things, what is going wrong, and how hard it is to achieve. We get our underwear all in a knot to say the least. We can get myopic, and easily forget our blessings, like the simple things we take for granted. I am always grateful to be reminded of this, just when I need that reminder.

Having a commitment to our feelings and our values, plays a very essential role in realizing dreams. I believe it is not a matter of luck but commitment, and hard work. Sometimes our dreams are not realized, and this can be stressful, but the dream can change and we can find a different kind of fulfillment and happiness in this, if we make up our minds to do so.


Ellen said...

Sometimes it think I am afraid to dream big because I fear I couldn't cope with failure but the way you put is is a more flexible approach
The quote is just so fitting for me today Thank you!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh Ellen I certainly relate to what you say about coping with the failure. I could tell you a few stories!
Any who, yes, well you certainly are not alone in they way you feel. Why we feel or even think this way is a little baffling. Humans that's the reason, just being prone to negative 'stinkin' thinkin' we call it
in A.A., I'd say. I know I am not the only one but when I am going through this kind of thing, I feel like I am, and I can feel this way too.
They say the longest journey to make is between your head and heart. I'm trying to make it a shorter trip!!!
Love ya gurl! <3

Ellen said...

Thanks & Hugs