Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Three Of Pentacles - The Strawberry Moon

The Three of Pentacles, a celebratory card is a well suited draw today with this first Full Strawberry Moon in June of Summer.

Though I'm not one to celebrate Canada Day, I'm grateful to be Canadian, and I'm sure there will be many celebrations on this long weekend ahead.

Every where there have been graduation celebrations, proms and the end of the school year, which for some, is a bitter sweet time, seeing our children spreading their wings, flying the nest, when we just wish they'd slow down..

When the Strawberry Moon arrives, we can look forward to enjoying fresh sweet strawberries as this is where the Strawberry Moon gets it's name. Sometimes called the Hay Moon for the first harvest of hay or referred to as the Rose Moon when the first bloom of roses arrive.

I didn't grow strawberries this year, but first thing this morning I motored to town in my new to me motor car, and purchased a hanging strawberry plant and some other garden delights to adorn my flower garden out in my front door yard.

June is a month of Birthdays and tomorrow I will help celebrate two of my dearest friends Birthdays.

The Strawberry Moon is a time when Indigenous woman spiritually cleanse themselves. It's a great time to get our lives uncluttered.

It's a time to celebrate who we are, reflect on our dreams, happiness and success. So go ahead, celebrate Summer and allow yourself the harvest of those sweet strawberries and reap the rewards of your hard work. There is much to be grateful for and more work ahead to come.

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Love of Venus the Evening Star Apparition

The Roman goddess of Love rules the Major Arcana card,The Empress,  representing The Great Mother.

In the night sky, if you look up you'll find the Evening Star Apparition at it's best in years, Venus, which hovers near the crescent Moon in the beautiful twilight. It will be easily seen tonight and tomorrow, as the sun sets and will continually get brighter into the late Summer and into September.

Venus the goddess of Love being in Gemini, my Sun Sign, gives me a deep sense of affirmation and connection to all the elements and especially with the earth.

The Empress, the great goddess Demeter, the Earth Mother ruler of all nature is the protectress of young defenseless creatures. Adorned in her necklace, symbolizing the twelve signs of the Zodiac, she embodies the Great Mother. Without her within us, we can bring nothing to fruition. Hers is the wisdom of nature, which understands that all things move in cycles and ripen at the appropriate time.

All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay
Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air
And playing, lovely and watery
And fire green as grass. And nightly under the simple stars
As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away,
All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars
Flying with the ricks, and the horses
Flashing into the dark

–Dylan Thomas (1914–53)