Jason could never have met the challenges, dangers, and struggles that were overcome during the perilous sea voyage on the Argo, in pursuit of the Golden Fleece, without his fellow friends the Argonauts. They trusted, supported and believed in him, in spite of having no idea what they were going to have to face, or what lie ahead and in many ways they were going on blind trust. Jason also had to trust them.
The Four of Wands indicates a deeper significant lesson to learn. No one is an island and we have a responsibility to love our fellow humans, be they friends, family, those we don't like, and even our enemies. We can tolerate, without having compassion or love in our heart toward others. To me there is nothing virtuous about tolerating another.
It is much easier to offer help and support to those we love. Where the real virtue lies, is often in helping those we don't understand or reject in some way. It is very easy to sit in judgement of those we fear, based on status, race, colour, gender, or religion, because we don't understand.
Today I heard about an amazing project, a youtube video that went viral with over a million views, which I have posted below.
Thank you for sharing Catherine This was so moving. We all watched it together and it made a huge impression
Thank you Ellen. I'm so glad you got to watch it together!
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