I have to preface this post first off by answering the question I've asked, saying I don't believe the devil has anything to do with why bad things happen. Yes, I certainly do believe there are those who choose to inflict pain and suffering onto others, but the rest is simply life. The sun shines on everyone, as does the rainfall.
The more important question for me is, what do I do about it, that's the hard part.
This card reminds me of how many people have died over the past year and a half, and how illness has taken their lives and presented all kinds of suffering. I know there isn`t anything I can do to change these events, but I`m working toward changing myself and my attitude, and living life on life`s terms. I can do this because I`ve got the freedom to choose. I can either add to the already present chaos, or lessen it.
Having experienced a lot of death in my life I'll be the first to admit, sometimes I really don't cope very well with death, the death of others, and in particular, the death of those I love. I think it's a combination of PTSD and my cultural conditioning not to talk about death. When it comes to attending funerals I have to force myself to go, and sometimes, more often than not, I stay away, which I know mostly is not the way forward to growth.
The devil symbolizes those fears and beliefs that prevent us from becoming whole people, and from experiencing growth. We are not fully alive, living from this perspective, and are in a kind of emotional bondage, as a result of these fears and beliefs.
In this New Year, here`s to resolving to facing fears and to changing beliefs.
In this context I like the phrase: "There is no reality only perception".
Life is what we make of it and boy do I make a mess sometimes :)
I've never been a fan of reality. ;)
Life messes,I've come to appreciate more now my perception has changed for the better! Hugs Ellen <3
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