The Seven of Swords is an very affirming and timely card for me this Friday the 13th and the rising of the of the Honey Moon. It is also the final card in my study of the Minor Arcana of the Mythic Tarot. It is the strongest card out of the suit of Swords. Representing brains over brawn.
Honesty may not always seem to be the best policy in life, we do need to be diplomatic and tactful in our dealings with others. We may think we must resort to guile, subterfuge and unethical behaviour, and sometimes we feel the need to do what is expedient for self-preservation.
However crystallizing our goals and making a concrete plan to achieve what it is that we want, will point us in the right direction, if we use diplomacy, and are tactful in our approach when interacting with others. I don't believe we must be or need to be deceitful.
We have successfully solidified our ideas, and have clarified long and short term goals and objectives in order to actualize our vision.
Be forewarned however, do not over-analyze, over-plan, least you get lost in the details and loose your focus.
Trust in your own ability, and capacity to solve your problems logically, this is paramount. It's time to execute your plan and move on to the new stage, which leads to success and accomplishment. The time for theory is over. Make a plan, turning your ideas into reality, this is what is needed now.
"It is also the final card in my study of the Minor Arcana of the Mythic Tarot." Did you know the seven of swords is in some decks (Druidcraft Tarot) the study card. You study the thoughts of others (reading books) and make them your own you and you'll let go what doesn't serve you.
Study is a often a solitary quest. The person in the seven of Swords is mostly looking after his own interest.
What can we expect next from you now you've finished this project?
No I did not know this Ellen. It does not surprise me. Thank you for that information. Well I have a new painting series to begin, related to Tarot. It is a big ongoing project! So I have my work ahead and a new creative adventure!
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