Monday, June 23, 2014

Page of Swords - Intellectual Beginnings & Authentic Self

The Solstice has come and gone. It's a time for new beginnings, and the Suit of Swords represents the element of air, and astrological signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Being a Gemini, I strongly identify with this Court card, the Page of Swords that I drew randomly out from the Mythic Tarot Deck,  this morning.

This card for me, presents a synchronicity, and an affirmation directly related to my art blog post today, about being more than ready.

The Page of Swords contains the impetus of new intellectual beginnings, perceptive thinking, communication, and being ready for action, not simply sitting on the ideas about what to do, but engaging in the creative and disciplined process of actualizing them.

 It may be tempting, and easy to get caught up in the petty concerns, and opinions of others, or loosing our focus on unrealistic, and unfulfilled pipe dreams, and projected ideas of the next big thing.  The problem with this is, it's superficial, and never seems to be enough, because it is rooted in an image, which does not exist.

If we allow our behaviour to be dictated by others, because we do what we think they want us to do, or because we are jealous, and compare ourselves to others, it only results in unhappiness, and is a very negative energy.

The Page of Swords for me, communicates the message to resolve to be our authentic self.


Ellen said...

Again I love growing older because all the things you write about are getting more easy lately. I've read your other post too it reminded me of the Eight of Pentacles quality which is so important. Not only to improve you skill but to build character through regular practice
P.S.I would rather say: I intergrate my shadow side in order to discover my true self :D

Unknown said...

Growing older is like aged wine...gets better as the years pass. Mmm I agree with you Ellen especially about integrating our shadow side. Thank you for you comments!