Reflecting on this past year of 2016, the state of the world and on the hope of a better year to come, the Major Arcana card of Justice is the perfect Mythic image of Athene to start off 2017. My hope and prayer is that justice and peace will prevail.
Justice being the first of the moral lessons in the Tarot my prayer is that humanity learns and upholds the remaining lessons that follow, Temperance, Strength and the Hermit.
The late great peace maker Ursula Franklin may not have been known to many, as she wasn't a super star or a celebrity, but was one of the many who died this year. She reminds me of Athene in many ways. Ursula Franklin was a kind of warrior like Athene, battling for the convictions of her deep principles, striving to protect and promote a peaceful civilization.
Athene was a Guardian of Heroes and Heroines and the wisdom she conveyed about justice and peace were a reflection of her integrity, clarity of vision, and selflessness.
Here's to balanced thought and impartial decision making, and to those who strive with wisdom, toward peaceful minds and spirits, respecting fairness and truth, bringing lasting justice and peace to the world in the New Year and beyond.
Happy New Year!